Nucleus Logo


For DevOps

Supercharging DevOps Teams with Automation

Nucleus empowers DevOps teams with integrations, workflows and automation to more predictably manage and run Environments and Services without spending months connecting tools.



Built to empower DevOps and Platform teams

Centralized Configurations

One source of truth for all of your Environment and Service configurations

Modern Security

Encryption and RBAC out-of-the-box designed to protect your environments and services

Resource control

Set CPU and RAM limits at the environment and service level. Track usage in real time.


One-click automation with Github Actions, Datadog, Dockerhub, AWS RDS and more

Self-serve Environments

Quickly clone Environments for developers or to test an upgrade with zero downtime.

Alerting and Notification

Set Slack and email alerts and notifications for events that happen in your Environments and Services.


What Platform Teams are saying

Vitaliy Shynkar

DevOps Engineer @ Element Science

"Nucleus is blazing fast to spin up Environments and clusters. They make handling integrations and environment variables a breeze."

Chinmay Rathod

Co-founder/CTO @ Forward

"We used Nucleus to containerize our services and quickly stand up multiple environments. "

Tim Blumberg

Co-Founder/CTO @ Pineway Health

"We spent 2 months trying to containerize our services and get EKS up and running and it still had issues. With Nucleus, we did it in less than 3 hours."

Jeff Wang

CTO @ Flex

"In the early days at Linkedin and Paypal, we had whole teams managing our platforms. I would have loved to use something like Nucleus to free those teams up to focus on customer value."

Arnold Villatoro

CTO/Co-founder @ SpecCheck

"Coming from Lyft, where we had a great internal platform to help us manage our services, I wanted to find something similar. As soon as I saw Nucleus I knew I found it. "

Karthik Ravi

CTO @ TryMata

"Nucleus has saved us literally months of devOps work and the team has been there every step of the way with help and support as we have needed it."

Alex Klippel


"Nucleus was able to containerize our services and give us on-demand environments whenever we needed it. Helped free up a lot of time for our team to focus on building features for our customers."

Armen Solakhyan

Co-Founder/CTO @ BioAccess Platforms

"We knew that we wanted to have the right infrastructure from day 1 so going with Nucleus was an easy choice. Everything just worked."

Ben Smith

CTO @ Emerald Cloud Lab

"It took us 3 years at Box to build what Nucleus provides through their platform. I wish we could have used them at Box, it would have saved us a lot of time and money."

Alan Messer

CTO @ Mojio

"What the Nucleus team has built is impressive and definitely in the direction of where the industry is going. Teams shouldn't be building everything from scratch internally. "

How it works

Easily create and manage environments and integrations in minutes instead of weeks and months

Create an Environment

Nucleus environments are pre-configured Kubernetes clusters that have been optimized for security and scalability. Easily create a new environment or clone an existing one and deploy it into any region in your AWS account.


Integrate and Automate

Automate your integrations with CI/CD pipelines, Container Registries, Secrets Managers, Databases and more. Set environment variables to seed environments for developers to quickly self-service.


Manage your Environments

Easily manage and clone Environments, enforce RBAC access to your clusters, clone environments and more all in one dashboard.


Real-world examples

Use cases

Developer Self Service

Developers using Nucleus can easily self-service integrations, environments, environment variables and more. This frees up precious DevOps time by reducing the number of tickets and requests that DevOps and Platform teams have to process while accelerating developers who no longer have to wait for infrastructure to be provisioned.


Get started with Nucleus today

Nucleus saves engineering teams weeks of work and integrates with a wide range of third-party tools and services, making it easy to plug into your existing workflows and toolchains.